The following advice was compiled by Zili Wang. Please follow the instructions below for installing Isabelle/HOL on your machines, and link the Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP)!

You can download Isabelle here and the AFP here (choose the current stable version).  There are some instructions on how to link the AFP for each OS here.
You will know that you have done this correctly if you can load the Test.thy file without errors, meaning there should be no red loading highlights in the file after a few minutes!

Some platform specific instructions:

Linux Instructions (thanks to Chris Johannsen)
For anyone using linux, here are the steps I took to install Linux and link up the AFP.
  1. Download Isabelle from this page:
  2. Extract the contents via tar -xvf Isabelle2023_linux.tar.gz to obtain the Isabelle2023/ directory
  3. You should be able to run Isabelle by executing ./Isabelle2023/Isabelle2023
  4. Download the archive of formal proofs from this page:
  5. Extract the contents via tar -xvf afp-current.tar.gz to obtain the afp-2023-09-26/ directory (or something similar)
  6. Then (from the AFP help page: run the following command: 
    /path/to/Isabelle2023/bin/isabelle components -u /path/to/afp-2023-09-26/thys

Windows Instructions 
Here are the steps I followed to install Isabelle and linking to AFP. 
  1. Install Isabelle2024.exe from here:
    Note: it doesn't matter where you install this, but you do need to know where this folder is for step 4
  2. Follow the instructions here for unzipping the tar.gz file you just downloaded:
    Note: in step 3 of the guide linked, the target directory should just be C:\
  3. Go to the Isabelle installation folder and double click Cygwin-Terminal.bat
  4. A terminal should pop up. Run this in the terminal: 
    isabelle components -u /cygdrive/c/afp/thys

Test.thy99 bytes