Integrating Runtime Verification into an
Automated UAS Traffic Management System
Matthew Cauwels, Abigail Hammer, Benjamin Hertz, Phillip H. Jones, Kristin Y. Rozier
This webpage contains supplementary specifications for "Integrating Runtime Verification into an
Automated UAS Traffic Management System" by M. Cauwels, A. Hammer, B. Hertz, P. H. Jones, and K. Y. Rozier
Specification Description
When the VelN is positive and not small (>0.25m/s), the change in Lat shall be greater than 0 at all instances (in the northern hemisphere). The opposite shall be true when VelN is negative and not small (<0.25m/s).
Signals Required
VelN, Lat
Boolean Conversion of Signals to Atomic Inputs
DeltaLat = Lat - PREV_LAT
VelN_gt_0.25: VelN > 0.25
VelN_lt_0.25: VelN < -0.25
DeltaLab_gt_0: DeltaLat > 0
DeltaLat_lt_0: DeltaLat < 0
MLTL Specification
☐[0,M] [(VelN_gt_0.25 ∧ DeltaLab_gt_0) ∨ (VelN_lt_0.25 ∧ DeltaLat_lt_0)]
Fault Explanation
There is no change in Latitude due to the Velocity North, where there should be.
Additional Notes
Need magnitude of VelN to be small so that a DeltaLat should be non 0. This accounts for some of minor disturbances that might occur when stationary.