Integrating Runtime Verification into an
Automated UAS Traffic Management System

Matthew Cauwels, Abigail Hammer, Benjamin Hertz, Phillip H. Jones, Kristin Y. Rozier

This webpage contains supplementary specifications for "Integrating Runtime Verification into an
Automated UAS Traffic Management System"
by M. Cauwels, A. Hammer, B. Hertz, P. H. Jones, and K. Y. Rozier


Specification Description

The vertical position (PosD) shall not change by more than POS_DELTA_INC or less than POS_DELTA_DEC each sample instance at any time

Signals Required


Boolean Conversion of Signals to Atomic Inputs

PosD_lt_Prev_Delta_Inc: PosD < PREV_POSD + POSD_DELTA_INC
PosD_gt_Prev_minus_Delta_Dec: |PosD| > PREV_POSD - POSD_DELTA_DEC

MLTL Specification

☐[0,M] (PosD_lt_Prev_Delta_Inc ∧ PosD_gt_Prev_minus_Delta_Dec)

Fault Explanation

Vertical Position is changing too fast

Additional Notes

POSD_DELTA_INC is maximum increase in altitude, POSD_DELTA_DEC is maximum decrease in altitude. Corresponds with operating bounds spec for vertical velocity.


Figure 1: Changes in Position Down.
Figure 2: R2U2's output showing that it was able to detect faults.