An Algorithm for Checking Large Design Spaces
Rohit Dureja and Kristin Yvonne Rozier
This webpage contains further details and artifacts for reproducibility of the experiments in "FuseIC3: An Algorithm for Checking Large Design Spaces" by R. Dureja and K.Y. Rozier.
All artifacts for reproducibility are available here.
General comments
Reproducibility of artifacts relies on nuXmv and OCRA being installed, and accessible in the PATH environment. The two tools are used to extract the composite SMV files and generate the input files to FuseIC3.
Python is used to generate all plots from the paper. To recreate the plots make sure numpy and matplotlib are installed.
Every folder in the archive contains a README describing different files, folders, and scripts. Make sure to follow the steps detailed in these files. For further information, contact Rohit Dureja.